I’ve discovered a hobby in recent years. Photography, especially nature pictures. I like trying to catch scenes as colorful as possible without having to use a filter. It’s a different kind of storytelling.
Since this is the last Tuesday of February, I’ll share a photo I’ve taken and update you on my writing progress. Some of you may only be interested in the photo. That’s fine. Just scroll down.
I’m working on developing a new story. This will be another one similar to Pendant. It would probably be labeled women’s fiction, because it will deal with two women who must come to an understanding and acceptance of each other. But the catalyst for that is a horrible crime committed by one woman’s husband against the other. That’s all I want to say right now. I’d hoped to have the plot outlined by now, but I’m finding I’m more of what they call a “seat-of-the-pants” writer. That means I sit down and just start writing without necessarily knowing exactly where I’m going. I need that to get to know my characters, how they’ll react and interact with their environment and with each other. So, at this point, I have a little bit of a plot, a tentative first chapter, and lots more work to do!
This is a sunrise picture taken across the field behind our house. This incredibly beautiful morning reminded me of the hymn, “When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries, ‘May Jesus Christ be praised.'”